Sunday, September 30, 2012

Milestones in Language

Look where Eli climbed up.. Just kidding, and yes one of us was waiting to catch him in case he made the plunge, but he was quite happy to sit where the junk food is kept.

Eli had a couple cute milestones this week. We have been teaching him body parts, and he can say a few of them. He can say ear, nose cheek, tongue, teeth, and hair, oh and his favorite, toes. Well we were at Aldi's doing some grocery shopping, and I said "oh that's cheap", he then excitedly put his hands on his cheeks, Home Alone style and said "cheeks". Well cheap does sound like cheek...

On another day we were addressing an envelope and he was helping me hold the pen as we were writing. When we wrote "Erie" Eli excitedly grabbed his ear and said "ear, ear!". Well yes we live in Eary I guess.

You don't realize how many words sound like other words until you are teaching someone a language. Eli knows the word stinky, and waves his hand under his nose, and he pronounces it "dinky". When we were working on a project I said scotch tape was sticky, and that confused him because it didn't smell. Sticky and stinky are much too similar.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Whats in your ear?!

Jon went on a walk with Eli in our neighborhood. They passed a tree with little berries. Eli picked one up and was looking at it for a while. Jon didn't see it after that and figured Eli dropped it some where along the walk. When they got home this is what Jon found... Eli turned to him with a huge grin.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sept. 9th

The weather is a little cooler today, Eli can finally wear his cute outfit from his Aunt Chrissy and Uncle Taylor. He looks like a model!

Eli knows he is not supposed to touch the key board, but the buttons are just too tempting.

Drinking his morning Ovaltine (he know it as hot chocolate).

Bubble Bath Time!