Sunday, August 26, 2012

Pictures of Eli

Well we have been extremely busy the past couple of weeks. I don't have time to write much but I thought I would add some recent pictures for friends and family to see. Eli has been talking in baby babbling quite a bit. His language skills are improving every day. Today he said "shower", last night he said "nose" and "teeth", and the other day he said "Oh my!". Can you guess who he heard that from?

Popsicles are an outside only food...
Eli's new bed from his Meme (Jon's Mom). I think he really likes it.

Most nights Eli helps me cook dinner. He samples things as we cook.

Here is Eli sampling the green pepper seeds...

Eli drinking his morning Ovaltine.

Eli noticed the camera and had to be a ham.

Eli at the beach on Lake Erie.

Hanging with Dad, while hanging on Dad.

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