Sunday, July 15, 2012

Why Does the Farang cross the road? To get to the Twin Lotus yo!

(Claire writing) On our first full day with Eli we took him shopping! Across the street from our hotel was the Thai equivalent to Walmart, the Twin Lotus. To get there you basically had to play "Forgger" with your life. You have to cross a busy street with no cross walk. The main traffic goes in the opposite direction than what we are used to, and a few motorcycles drive in the direction of traffic that we are used to. If you ever find yourself needing to go to the Twin Lotus, it is best to follow a Thai person across the street. Btw a faragn is a derogatory word for foreigner or tourist.
At first Eli was not too sure about sitting in the shopping cart. He looked scared and confused. We are not sure if he had ever been in one before. He held onto the bar very tightly. I told Jon no crazy cart driving! But as soon as Eli got more comfortable all Eli wanted was crazy cart driving... He would wiggle his body to indicate he wanted Jon to swerve the cart.

Eli picked out some cookies and held on to them tight!

 This was our first real bedtime routine. Before this we had put him down for naps on the half days we had him. He was a bit sad, he may have thought he was going to go home again like he did on the other days.

 This was the view from our hotel window the following morning. Get ready to travel to Bangkok!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, we are really enjoying following your wonderful adventure...... what a fantastic little boy. I hope your trip home goes well and we all look forward to meeting Eli.

